Genuine Estate Agent Tax Guide

Estate Planning BasicsAn estate program is a map that reflects the way you want your personal and financial affairs to be handled in case of incapacity or death. A particular person who does not plan his or her estate runs the threat of loved ones members fighting over house and more than tough choices such as end-of-life care. Based on this evaluation the following chapters cover topics related to beneficiaries, trusts, techniques to stay clear of probate, estate tax and other estate troubles.

This guesstimate varies according to complexity, size of the estate and geographic place. As inheritances in Canada are not taxable, there is no tax to be paid by you or the other beneficiaries. As a non resident – I have no tax obligation in Canada on capital gains from investments in Canada and a reduced withholding tax on RRIF withdrawal, interest and dividends.

Your father will not spend any …

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